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Facts about Alexander the Great that you might not know

Alexander the Great was one of the greatest generals and conquerors in human history. His life and conquests influenced the development of many civilizations and cultures, leaving a deep mark on world history. Here is a selection of interesting facts about this legendary commander that will help you better understand his personality and influence on the world.

  1. Alexander was born in Pella, the capital of Macedonia, in 356 BC. His father was King Philip II and his mother was Queen Olympias. From childhood, Alexander showed extraordinary intelligence and leadership skills.
  2. His teacher was the famous philosopher Aristotle, who taught Alexander from the age of 13. Aristotle imparted to him knowledge of many sciences, including philosophy, politics, literature, and medicine. This training influenced Alexander’s worldview and his attitude to culture and science.
  3. Alexander became king of Macedonia in 336 BC after the assassination of his father Philip II. He immediately began a campaign to unite the Greek city-states under his rule. This allowed him to create a powerful army and begin his conquests.
  4. Alexander’s military campaigns began with the invasion of the Persian Empire in 334 BC. The first major battle was the Battle of Granicus, where Alexander won a decisive victory over the Persians. This battle paved the way for his further conquests in Asia Minor.
  5. One of Alexander’s most famous battles was the Battle of Issus in 333 BC, where he met with the Persian king Darius III. Despite the Persians’ numerical superiority, Alexander won a brilliant victory, which strengthened his reputation as an invincible commander. After this battle, he captured most of the Persian Empire.
  6. The conquest of Egypt in 332 BC was an important event in Alexander’s military career. The Egyptians welcomed him as a liberator from Persian rule, and he was proclaimed pharaoh. Alexander founded the city of Alexandria, which later became an important center of science and culture.
  7. The Battle of Gavgamela in 331 BC was a decisive battle in the war with Persia. Darius III again assembled a large army, but Alexander won thanks to his tactics and military genius. After this battle, the Persian Empire effectively ceased to exist, and Alexander became its new ruler.
  8. Alexander continued his conquests eastward, reaching India in 326 BC. The Battle of Hydaspis, where he met with the Indian king Porus, was one of the most difficult of his career. Despite strong resistance, Alexander won and strengthened his position in the region.
  9. During his campaigns, Alexander founded more than 20 cities, most of which were named in his honor – Alexandria. The most famous of them was Alexandria in Egypt, which became an important cultural and scientific center of the ancient world. These cities contributed to the spread of Greek culture in the conquered territories.
  10. Alexander sought to achieve a cultural synthesis between the Greeks and the peoples he conquered. He married several women from different countries, including Roxane, the daughter of the king of Bactria. He also encouraged his soldiers to marry local women, which helped to integrate cultures.
  11. Alexander was known for his courage and personal involvement in battles. He often fought on the front lines, inspiring his soldiers by personal example. In the Battle of Granicus, he was wounded by a spear, but continued to command the army.
  12. Alexander was an admirer of Greek culture and art. He supported scientific and cultural projects, including commissioning the creation of numerous statues and paintings. His court historian Callisthenes created a chronicle of his conquests, which became an important source of information about those events.
  13. After Alexander’s death in 323 B.C., his empire broke up into several parts known as diadochies. His generals divided the conquered territories among themselves, founding new states. Despite the collapse of the empire, Alexander’s cultural influence endured for centuries.
  14. Alexander was idolized by his contemporaries, many believing him to be the son of Zeus. He actively supported this cult, which helped him strengthen his power. Temples were built in his honor in many cities, and he was revered as a god.
  15. Alexander the Great died in Babylon at the age of 32 under unclear circumstances. There are various versions of his death, including poisoning, malaria, or another disease. Despite his short life, he left an indelible mark on history.
  16. Alexander was known for his great desire to explore new lands. He organized expeditions to explore areas outside his empire, including the deserts of Arabia and the coastal regions of India. His discoveries enriched the geographical knowledge of the time.
  17. Alexander the Great was also known for his tolerance of different cultures and religions. He respected the traditions and customs of the conquered peoples, which helped him strengthen his power and ensure the loyalty of the conquered territories. He also supported the development of science and education in the conquered lands.
  18. Alexander had a legendary horse named Bucephalus, who accompanied him in many battles. According to legend, he tamed Bucephalus at the age of 12, which was the beginning of their close friendship. After Bucephalus’ death, Alexander named the city of Bucephalia in his honor.
  19. Oleksandr was a lover of music and poetry. He often spent time in the company of musicians and poets, enjoying their performances. He was known to be fond of Homer’s poems and even carried a copy of the Iliad with him during his campaigns.
  20. Alexander was known for his strategic genius and ability to make quick decisions in difficult situations. His military campaigns are studied in military academies around the world as examples of brilliant planning and tactics. His achievements made him one of the most famous military leaders in history.

The life and conquests of Alexander the Great have become a legend that has influenced the further development of many civilizations. His military successes, cultural influence, and strategic genius have been the subject of study and admiration for centuries. Alexander the Great rightfully takes his place among the greatest figures in world history.

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