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Facts about lightning that you might not know

Lightning is an amazing natural phenomenon that has always attracted people’s attention. Their power, beauty, and danger make them the subject of many scientific studies and folk tales. Let’s take a look at some interesting facts about lightning that can impress with their uniqueness and make you think about the power of nature.

  1. Lightning can reach temperatures of up to 30,000 degrees Celsius, which is five times hotter than the surface of the Sun. This causes the ionized air around it to instantly heat up, creating the loud sound we know as thunder.
  2. A lightning strike can be up to 160 kilometers long. This extraordinary phenomenon can be seen during severe thunderstorms, when electrical charges travel considerable distances in the air.
  3. On average, lightning strikes the Earth about 100 times per second. This means that there are about 8.6 million lightning strikes per year across the planet.
  4. Most lightning on the planet is recorded over Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela. This phenomenon, known as the “Maracaibo Lighthouse,” occurs approximately 260 nights a year with an average duration of about 10 hours per night.
  5. Lightning can occur not only during thunderstorms. They can be created during volcanic eruptions, severe forest fires, and even in large sandstorms.
  6. Ball lightning is a rare phenomenon where lightning is shaped like a ball of light that can travel through the air. Its origin is still not fully understood and is the subject of much scientific research.
  7. On average, each bolt of lightning contains about 1 billion joules of energy. That’s enough to light a 100-watt light bulb for more than 3 months continuously.
  8. The impact of lightning on humans can be fatal, but about 90% of people struck by lightning survive. However, they may be left with various physical and psychological consequences for the rest of their lives.
  9. A lightning strike can lead to a rare phenomenon known as “fulgurite,” where sand or soil melts from high temperatures and turns into a glassy tube. This natural glass can remain in the soil for thousands of years.
  10. Lightning discharges can be beneficial to ecosystems. They contribute to the fixation of nitrogen in the soil, which is important for plant growth and maintaining soil fertility.
  11. Since ancient civilizations, lightning has been considered a manifestation of divine power. For example, in Greek mythology, Zeus used lightning as his main weapon.
  12. Modern airplanes are equipped with special lightning protection systems. Lightning can strike an airplane, but thanks to special design solutions, the electric current passes safely through the body and does not harm passengers or equipment.

Lightning is not only a fascinating but also an important natural phenomenon. They demonstrate the power and majesty of nature, reminding us of how multifaceted and complex our world is. Despite their danger, lightning remains an object of constant human curiosity and scientific research, revealing more and more of its secrets to us.

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